To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Ryan Walters’ Sticky Fingers

    Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters is at it again. Using taxpayer funds, Walters has hired a PR firm to guarantee him national media exposure. Ironically,...

Ryan Walters’ Sticky Fingers

    Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters is at it again. Using taxpayer funds, Walters has hired a PR firm to guarantee him national media exposure. Ironically,...

Kristi Noem? Um, No Thanks

    South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem recently made two roundtrips of about 2,400 miles each from her home state to a dental office in Sugarland,...

A Small Step Toward A Fairer Tax System

When it comes to legislative sausage-making, there’s an old political maxim worth remembering: Do not let perfect be the enemy of the good.That came...

Bad Programming Causes Problems

If I rise early enough six mornings of the week, I can start the day with cartoons. Saturdays are guaranteed since the cartoon block...