To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Stitt’s Sorry Stats: He Brought It On Himself


Oklahoma may be known nationally as a RRS [Ruby Red State] but voters apparently have determined after four years in office that Gov. Kevin Stitt is not such a precious jewel – rather just a ruinous rube for our state.

The evidence is overwhelming. For example:

  1. Four recent polls by four different firms have Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister leading with advantages ranging from one to seven points. Women, younger voters, urban and suburban residents, seniors over 65, folks in Western Oklahoma and Independents everywhere all statistically favor the lifelong educator and successful businesswoman. Only men give Slick Stitt a slight edge which, considering all the evidence that Clueless Kevin is either incompetent or corrupt, and perhaps both, I chalk up that small advantage among the weaker sex to the allure of fall football, ranging from coaching peewee participation in it to the dazzling display of Sunday’s professional shootouts, literally from morning to midnight. After all, us guys, as almost every woman knows, are easily distracted.
  2. Shocking to me the Oklahoma Republican Party must now be dominated by zealous environmentalists because visual evidence indicates yard signs, bumper stickers and billboards are a no-no this elephant campaign season. By actual count in most northwest Cleveland County and southwest Oklahoma County precincts, joyous Joy yard signs, in real yards, outnumber Stitt’s 50-1. Don’t believe me? Go drive around for yourself.
  3. Remarkably, Too-Cool-For-Rural-Schools Kevin has even opted to not put into the field a door-to-door canvassing effort which means, incredibly, his camp followers are not even personally asking for your votes. Admittedly, organizing, staffing, controlling, and completing the work required to put a meaningful army of true believers in the streets and on neighbors’ doorsteps requires time, attention and commitment. However, such personal contact underscores one undeniable fact about elections: People like to be asked for their votes and every weekend jolly juggernauts of Joy joggers, walkers and strollers have regularly knocked between 10,000 and 20,000 doors. They have been greeted with kindness, caring conversations, and restored confidence that our state will soon be back on track for a positive and unified future, not just for a few of the Capitol insiders, but focused on the rest of us – from Slapout to Siloam Springs, Altus to Afton, and everywhere in between.
  4. Joy has put over 500,000 miles on her family vehicle, has gone through six sets of tires, three radiators, a couple of fan belts, a battery and a set of brake pads visiting thousands of you – in schools, your living rooms, diners, delis, on main streets and off the beaten paths. In doing so, she has listened and learned from you. What a new and novel approach from a person who is asking for one of your most precious possessions … your vote.

Election Day is Nov. 8. Don’t believe the naysayers who allege your vote doesn’t matter. It does and that is why Joy Hofmeister has personally requested it. Kevin Stitt? He thinks you’ll just give it to him again.

Nope, not me Governor … and to my fellow citizens, I hope not you, either.

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Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson, a Lexington Democrat, served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore.
Mark Krawczyk
Mark Krawczyk
March 9, 2023
Exceptional reporting about goings on in my home state as well as informative opinion pieces that makes people think about issues of the day...........get a SUBSCRIPTION FOLKS!!!!!!!
Brette Pruitt
Brette Pruitt
September 5, 2022
The Observer carries on the "give 'em hell" tradition of its founder, the late Frosty Troy. I read it from cover to cover. A progressive wouldn't be able to live in a red state without it.