To Comfort The Afflicted
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To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2013 January

Monthly Archives: January 2013

Echoes Of FDR


BY JOE CONASON So much for the “Grand Bargain” – or at least for the not-so-grand gutting of Social Security and Medicare that the “very serious” thought-leaders of Washington political and media circles have always found so appealing. Whatever President Obama may have contemplated up until now, his second inaugural address, delivered yesterday on the […]

The Thinking Gets Better, The Second Time Around


BY FROMA HARROP The Obama Administration initially billed France about $18 million to cover U.S. military support for its mission in Mali, while Canada offered similar services at no cost. Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens expressed shock at this alleged nickel-and-diming, noting that $18 million is pocket change to a Washington spending over $10 […]

Obama’s Inaugural Address: Progressive and Presidential


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Skies were overcast, and the temperature was a chilly 40 degrees in Washington on Monday when President Barack Obama took the oath of office and began his inaugural address. Given his own cool reserve and his first-term penchant for pursuing a tepid, middle-right governing agenda, I didn’t expect to get much warmth […]

God And Guns

BY KAREN WEBB We have preachers’ wives with so little faith in God that they need a gun for protection. The Second Amendment trumps the Ten...

The Second Time Around


BY SUSAN ESTRICH It is hard to remember how much better things are in America today than they were four years ago when Barack Obama took the oath of office for the first time. Then, we were in the middle of two raging wars, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Now, one of those […]