To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Rainbows Behind The Virus Crisis


Milan is the V-8 engine of Italy’s economy. Known as an industrial and financial powerhouse, Milan is also famous for its foul air. Now the city and its region, Lombardy, have become the epicenter of Europe’s coronavirus pandemic. To stop the virus’ spread, factories, offices, restaurants and bars are closed. People are ordered to stay […]

The Togetherness Of Social Distancing


As the coronavirus stops normal life, trapping more Americans in their homes, some have raised the specter of another health threat: loneliness. Before this crisis seized our anxieties, much discussion centered around the dangers of perceived social isolation and feeling cut off from others. A 2015 analysis by Brigham Young University found loneliness is a […]

Why Must A Woman Be Perfect?


Elizabeth Warren checked every box. Brilliant. Tough. Prepared. A Harvard Law professor who didn’t go to a fancy private law school. Married young, followed her husband, made it to the United States Senate by dint of hard work, determination and courage. Bernie Sanders checks no boxes. A socialist without a plan. An old man who […]

How TrumpCare Could Lower Medical Costs


In 2016, candidate Donald Trump promised to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with “something terrific.” The replacement never materialized. The repeal, however, had been making progress in a piece-by-piece fashion. President Trump has made a frontal assault on the Affordable Care Act by asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike it down altogether. As it […]

Trump’s Corrupt Pardons


The power of the president to grant pardons as stated in the Constitution is unconditional, as President Donald Trump has observed. But as he prepares to bestow that favor on Roger Stone and perhaps other felons who have protected him, someone should advise him that a corrupt pardon is nevertheless a crime that can be […]