To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Hillary Doesn’t Stumble


BY SUSAN ESTRICH That was, essentially, the headline for the big New York Times poll out this week. It was supposed to measure how much Hillary and her team’s stumbles on the issue of her private email server had hurt her. Just how much did her favorability drop? Essentially, not at all. Now, surely part […]

Stand With Postal Workers Thursday In National Day of Action


BY JIM HIGHTOWER When a big-name retailer finds its sales in a slow downward spiral, the geniuses in the executive suite often try to keep their profits up by cheapening their product and delivering less to customers. To see how well this poorly thought-out strategy works, look no further than the declining sales at Wal-Mart […]

CNE Syndrome Strikes State Governments


BY JIM HIGHTOWER It’s well-known that harsh climate conditions can mess with your mind – from cabin fever to heat delirium. But America is now experiencing an even more dangerous mind-numbing disease called Climaticus Non-vocalism Extremism. Oddly, CNE Syndrome almost exclusively afflicts a narrow segment of our population: Republican political officials and candidates. Scientific studies […]

Defeatism In Baltimore


BY FROMA HARROP Using the most bloodless terms, an economist explained the failure or inability of so many African-Americans to rise from their impoverished circumstances. They do not respond to the economic incentives that push others to study and strive, he said. Penniless peasants from Central America pile into freight trains to secure any job […]

Corporate Cluster Bomb Over U.S. Sovereignty


BY JIM HIGHTOWER The Powers That Be are very unhappy with you and me. They’re also very unhappy with senators like Elizabeth Warren, activist groups like Public Citizen, unions like the Communications Workers of America and … well, with the majority of us Americans who oppose the establishment’s latest free-trade scam. Despite its benign name, […]