To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Who Trusts Government?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Almost no one, it turns out, according to the latest survey results released by the highly respected NORC, an independent research arm of the University of Chicago. Across party lines, across branches of government, the numbers are falling. Among the three branches of government, the Supreme Court [whose members, I’m willing to […]

Media’s E-Mail Hysteria: Why Are Republicans Exempt?


BY JOE CONASON It is almost eerie how closely Hillary Clinton’s current e-mail scandal parallels the beginnings of the Whitewater fiasco that ensnared her and her husband almost 20 years ago. Both began with tendentious, inaccurate stories published by The New York Times; both relied upon highly exaggerated suspicions of wrongdoing; both were seized upon […]

Cohabiting … With Children


BY FROMA HARROP I know a woman. Works like a dog. She’s a loving mother, raising a lovable boy. She’s also a good businesswoman, running a successful salon. But she’s not married to the father, though he lives with her … year after year. As for work, he does a little bit of this and […]

Why Are We Taxpayers Subsidizing Corporate Crime?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER “Do the crime, do the time,” the old saying goes. Unless, of course, the criminals are corporate executives. In those cases, the culprits are practically always given a “Get out of jail free” card. Even the corporate crimes that produce horrible injuries, illnesses, death, massive pollution, consumer ripoffs, etc. are routinely settled […]

Hillary And Her Server


BY SUSAN ESTRICH It’s always nice to know, as I sit here writing, that somebody out there might be listening. This week, I know for sure. My last column essentially asked: What’s the big deal about Hillary’s e-mails if she’s turning them over anyway? Thanks to everyone who wrote to make it clear just what […]