To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Money: The First Primary


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Money is often called the first primary, because there’s nothing else out there to be officially judged but the FEC reports. There are no caucuses; there are no conventions; there is no voting. Real people don’t get involved in the process until well after a nominee has been chosen. The only real […]

The Smart Brother?


BY JOE CONASON Being singled out as “the smart brother” in an American political and financial dynasty like the Bush family must be a heavy load. But Jeb Bush went far to dispel that burdensome description with his debut address on foreign policy. With its melange of mispronunciations, mistakes and casually ignorant utterances, Bush’s speech […]

Politicians For Local Control, Except When They’re Not


BY FROMA HARROP The people of Denton, TX, recently voted to ban fracking within the city limits. They were tired of the noise, lights and fumes caused by the 277 gas wells, some placed right next to housing developments. A blowout in 2013 covered homes in clouds of benzene. Some had to be evacuated. One […]

Koch Party


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Shouldn’t America have at least one major party that isn’t beholden to the corporate elite? Well don’t look now, but such a party has recently popped up, raring to roar into the 2016 presidential race. Called the KBParty, it has the funding, political network and expertise needed to bypass the establishment’s control […]

Courting Terror One Teenager At A Time


BY SUSAN ESTRICH When I was 15, my mother let me take the bus to Lynn, a small city about five miles from our house and two blocks from my father’s office. I was pretty pleased with myself because otherwise my independence was limited entirely by my leg strength. This week, three girls that age […]