To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, May 6, 2024


A Financial Transaction Tax On High Frequency Traders


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Have you heard about High Frequency Trading? Get ready to be dazzled! HFT is sweeping, purely speculative financial transactions that have been made possible by huge leaps in technology. Done by super-fast computers, using mathematical algorithms, HFT searches millions of prices at lightning speeds and places bets automatically. Transaction times are measured […]

So Much For The New Russia


BY SUSAN ESTRICH It didn’t take very long for the smiling sports fan cheering in the Olympic stands to revert to his true nature. I’m referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the former KGB leader whose idea of diplomacy is sending in the troops. The Olympics ended, and the war began. It resembles nothing so […]

To Defeat GOP’s Restrictive Voting Laws, Debunk ‘Voter Fraud’


BY JOE CONASON Growing up in Jim Crow Arkansas, Bill Clinton saw how the state’s dominant political and racial elite maintained power by suppressing the rights of minority voters who threatened its authority – and as a young activist, worked to bring down that illegitimate power structure. So when Clinton says, “There is no greater […]

Hurray For GOP Tax Plan


BY FROMA HARROP A Republican leader is doing something right … and good. He is Rep. David Camp of Michigan. Camp has issued a detailed plan for simplifying the tax code. That’s his duty as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes tax law. Reforming the 70,000-page abomination that is our tax […]

The Newest Federalism


BY SUSAN ESTRICH When he came to Washington in 1981, Ronald Reagan made much of his commitment to the “new federalism,” which in that case, like so many others, had very little to do with federalism. As later detailed by former Office of Management and Budget head David Stockman, in the name of federalism, the […]