To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Yawning At Anonymous Posts


BY FROMA HARROP Beats me how new apps like “Secret” and “Whisper” are going to make big money. Presumably, that is the objective of their Silicon Valley creators. These apps combine social networking with anonymity. “Secret,” for example, lets people post anonymous messages to those on their contact list who’ve also signed on with “Secret.” […]

What’s Wrong With A Meritocracy Rug?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Nothing, right? For much of my professional life, I yearned for an opportunity to be judged on the basis of my accomplishments, without regard to factors such as race or sex. In my version of the American dream, the country was a meritocracy that allowed you to succeed even if your mother […]

Finding Populism Today


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Mass movements don’t just appear out of the fog, fully grown, structured and mobilized. They emerge in fits and starts over many years, just as the American Revolution did, and as did the Populists’ original idea of a “cooperative commonwealth.” A successful people’s movement has to take the long view, to learn about […]

The Flimflam Of The Employment Policies Institute


BY JIM HIGHTOWER In L. Frank Baum’s novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the wizard turns out to be a big phony – just an eccentric old guy sitting behind a curtain, using his booming voice to spew nonsense in a vain effort to fool people. But now, a century after Baum’s fictional Oz, a […]

A Plane Falls From The Sky


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Planes are not supposed to just disappear. There should be radio transmissions and distress calls, not to mention tweets and videos and real-time reports. We live in the world of too much information, not utter mystery. How can a plane just disappear? It can’t, obviously. We just [as of this writing] haven’t […]