To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Hurray For GOP Tax Plan


BY FROMA HARROP A Republican leader is doing something right … and good. He is Rep. David Camp of Michigan. Camp has issued a detailed plan for simplifying the tax code. That’s his duty as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes tax law. Reforming the 70,000-page abomination that is our tax […]

The Newest Federalism


BY SUSAN ESTRICH When he came to Washington in 1981, Ronald Reagan made much of his commitment to the “new federalism,” which in that case, like so many others, had very little to do with federalism. As later detailed by former Office of Management and Budget head David Stockman, in the name of federalism, the […]

Don’t Close Our Post Offices – Put Them To Work!


BY JIM HIGHTOWER You know what America needs? More jobs, that’s what. Not Walmart-style jobettes, but real jobs – stable ones with good salaries and benefits, union jobs so workers have a say in what goes on, jobs that have strong protections against discrimination. A job one can make a career, do useful work in, […]

Minimum Truth: The Hollow Argument Against Higher Wages


BY JOE CONASON In the midst of a crucial political debate that plainly favored proponents of a higher minimum wage, the Congressional Budget Office dropped a bombshell headline last week. Increasing the minimum to $10.10 an hour – as demanded by President Barack Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill – would “cost 500,000 jobs.” At […]

Mass Transit Is For The Young


BY FROMA HARROP I frequently ride one of those cheap buses connecting my small city with a big city. At first, I expected my fellow passengers to be largely poor and old – the folks who can’t afford to drive or are unable to. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. Most are able-bodied, youngish adults taking […]