To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, May 17, 2024


He Kept Us Safe?


BY JOE CONASON During the festival of falsehood held by Republicans in Tampa, FL, two weeks ago, perhaps the very biggest lie emanated from the mouth of Jeb Bush, the Florida politician, entrepreneur and potential heir to the GOP presidential dynasty. “My brother, well,” began Jeb, referring to former president George W. Bush, “I love […]

Eleven Years Later


BY SUSAN ESTRICH I will never forget the phone ringing on that sunny September morning and my friend Annie telling me to turn on the television because the world was going to hell. My children, then 8 and 11, woke up a few minutes later to see me staring at the images of the planes […]

Romney Suffers From Pre-Existing Positions


BY FROMA HARROP What Mitt Romney truly believes is anybody’s guess. Whether Romney as president would act on those beliefs is also a guess. And we can’t rule out the possibility that he doesn’t have any beliefs outside of religion and investment strategies. Why he’s running for president remains unclear, though commander in chief looks […]

Clinton’s Mastery


BY JOE CONASON Bill killed. Nominating Barack Obama for a second term, the former president brought to bear the full weight of his political experience and forensic skill Wednesday night, on behalf of a man who was once his adversary. Rewritten up until the final hour before he took the podium, this was among his […]

That Old Clinton Magic


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Back in 1988, we had what we thought was a great new idea. There was only one slot for a keynote speech at the Democratic convention on Monday night, but we had two great candidates for the job. One was the late Ann Richards, then the treasurer of the state of Texas […]