To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


‘Affordable Housing:’ Affordable To Whom?


What is meant by “affordable housing”? The term suggests a certain level of shelter at a moderate price but offers no details. That makes it irritating. The question really is: Who can’t afford what kind of house? A new study insists that half of New York City households can’t afford to live there. But obviously, […]

The Unreported News About Your ‘Newspaper’


Why would your local newspaper not even mention an important local news story? Perhaps because it’s a damning story about the conglomerate owner of the paper. This month, hundreds of journalists working for major dailies in some two dozen cities across America joined in an extraordinary mass walkout from their jobs. They were protesting the […]

His Only Defense: Above The Law


There is only one real question. Why? This is not a spy case. He didn’t keep the documents to show them to the Russians. This is not about foreign spies. Donald Trump was not about to show plans for nuclear wars to America’s enemies. He was not keeping top-secret documents for those reasons. He kept […]

True Wokeism: A Core American Value


As Scottish literary giant Robert Burns wrote, “The best-laid schemes of mice and men / Go oft awry.” His 1785 poem, titled To A Mouse, could be directed today at the right-wing sloganeers who’ve been scheming so furiously to turn their hokey “woke” snobbery into a winning political stratagem. “Your local librarian is woke!” they […]

Abortion Is Not The Only Problematic Issue For These Republicans


In days of yore, a Republican like Rep. Mike Lawler would be an easy sell in the New York suburbs. None other than Joe Biden recently praised him as “not one of these MAGA Republicans.” Lawler was one of the 18 Republicans who recently won districts that that Biden carried in 2020. But with Donald […]