To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 4, 2024


Chasing Equality


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Tuesday’s ruling by a panel of three judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit holding unconstitutional the California ballot initiative that aimed to take the right to marry away from same-sex couples is hardly the last word in the debate. The court’s ruling, unlike that of the […]

What Komen Affair Means For November


BY FROMA HARROP The blowup at Susan G. Komen for the Cure set off a political alarm that Republicans dare not ignore. The leading breast cancer group, Komen tried playing Republican-base politics by cutting its funding to Planned Parenthood for breast-health services. The sisterhood and its allies exploded, and Komen reversed course with abject apologies. […]

The Port Huron Statement – 30 Years On


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN Fifty years ago, a group of students in the American Midwest issued a document rather portentously titled “The Port Huron Statement.” It was the founding manifesto of Students for a Democratic Society and became one of the most famous documents of that momentous and creative decade. Read any history of the upsurges […]

Primary Purposes


BY SUSAN ESTRICH If the goal of the primary process is simply to nominate a candidate, essentially to nominate the man or woman most likely to win in the end, then this primary season should be declared over. Clear the stage, and give it to Mitt Romney. Newt Gingrich’s promise to go the next 46 […]

The High Cost Of Romney’s Scorching Victory


BY JOE CONASON Mitt Romney’s convincing victory in the Florida primary erased his earlier defeats and perhaps any serious obstacle to his nomination. The question that still troubles party leaders, however, is the damage he will sustain before returning to Tampa in September for their convention. Triumph could cost Romney much more than the million […]