To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, May 6, 2024


The Empire Strikes Back


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN The WikiLeaks sites have vanished – though more than 1,400 mirror sites still carry the disclosures. Amazon, Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and the organization’s Swiss bank have shut it down, either on their own initiative or after a threat from the U.S. government or its poodles in London and Geneva. Julian Assange is […]

A Guy On A Bike


BY SUSAN ESTRICH For weeks now, speculation has been rampant about who killed well-liked publicist to the stars Ronni Chasen and why. A blonde in a black Mercedes found shot multiple times in her car on Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills on her way home from a movie premiere. A 60-something veteran who was in […]

The Blue State Tax Blues


BY FROMA HARROP The political lineup for and against the controversial tax deal evokes great bemusement. Once again, Republicans representing the poorer conservative states are pounding the table for the lower taxes that benefit the richer, liberal ones. Once again, Democrats representing parts of the country where a $250,000 household income is cushy but not […]

What A Dame!


BY SUSAN ESTRICH I don’t care what they said about her in Game Change. Bitchy? Who wouldn’t be? Difficult? She had a right to be. She lost a son. She stood by her husband as he pursued his political ambitions. He cheated and lied. She still stood by. She must have known. She chose to […]

The Redistribution Of America’s Wealth To The Few


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Several of America’s top high-tech giants are now breaking with conventional thinking on the offshoring of their factories and jobs, asking a heretofore unthinkable question: “Who needs China?” “Let’s invest in new, state-of-the-art-factories,” they declare excitedly. “We’ll launch a bold new initiative to train tens of thousands of teachers who, in turn, […]