To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, July 1, 2024


When A City Goes Bankrupt


BY FROMA HARROP CENTRAL FALLS, RI – The stock market plunged over 500 points last Thursday, but no one seemed very perturbed about it in this tiny factory town. Three days before, Central Falls had filed for a Chapter 9 bankruptcy. These working-class folk see bottoms fall out on a regular basis. For people used […]

Immigration, ObamaCare Join As Issue


BY FROMA HARROP Two of the hottest topics on the political circuit are illegal immigration and “Obamacare.” They can come together into a third steaming discussion: How the Democrats’ Affordable Care Act of 2010 would hasten America’s journey toward a more orderly immigration program. As a recent article in Health Affairs predicts, once the health […]

The Romneys: Conflicts ‘R’ Us


BY FROMA HARROP Have you been following the career of Mitt Romney’s boy Tagg? As his dad runs for president denouncing “crony capitalism” and “big government,” Tagg has been gathering some of Mitt’s richest friends into a private-equity fund called Solamere – a clever instrument for pursuing government subsidies, contracts and tax breaks should Romney […]

One Sacrifice More For Ebola Medics


BY FROMA HARROP No, it was not OK that Dr. Craig Spencer ran around New York City upon his return from treating Ebola patients in Guinea. Among other activities, he took the subways, went bowling in Brooklyn, strolled the crowded High Line park and patronized a meatball joint in Greenwich Village. True, he was not […]

Government Impotence And Corporate Rule


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Many news reports about the Gulf oil catastrophe refer to it as a “spill.” Wrong. A spill is a minor “oops” – one accidentally spills milks, for example, and from childhood, we’re taught the old aphorism: “Don’t cry over spilt milk.” What’s in the Gulf isn’t milk and it wasn’t spilt. The […]