To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


What Makes Rand Paul Strange


BY FROMA HARROP Sen. Rand Paul believes that vaccinating children should be up to the parents, an increasingly unpopular view after recent outbreaks of measles, mumps and other diseases. And throwing a newt’s eye of quack science into the vat, the Kentucky Republican promotes the myth that these shots put children at risk. The political […]

Too Many People Still Go To The ER


BY FROMA HARROP On a recent Saturday morning, I drove a good friend from her health club to an emergency room at a nearby hospital. Her symptoms – not remembering what she had just done and repeating herself – spoke of a potentially serious condition. The emergency medical technicians called to the club said we […]

New Outrages Keep Gushing From BP


BY JIM HIGHTOWER With BP’s well capped and CEO Tony Hayward exiled to Russia, perhaps you thought that surely there will be no additional revelations about BP to enrage you. But now comes this: prison labor. In its national PR blitz to buff up its image, the oil giant has loudly been boasting that it […]

Don’t Just Salute Veterans, Rally With Them


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Here’s a surprise that the power elites really hate to see: Many members of the 1% are joining the “We are the 99%” movement in various Occupy Wall Street protests. I don’t mean that corporate CEOs and hedge fund billionaires are suddenly in the streets to show solidarity with millions of Americans […]

Hippies Under The Bed


BY FROMA HARROP On behalf of all liberals – living and dead – I’d like to apologize to Adam Bellow. In 1976, Bellow was at a Michigan State University writing workshop when a radical feminist publicly rebuked him for saying she had “balls.” He says he meant that as a compliment. Some formative experiences are […]