To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Obama In Indonesia


BY FROMA HARROP Barack Hussein Obama, the mixed-race president born in Hawaii, partly educated in Indonesia – defender of a controversial Islamic center near ground zero in Manhattan – is tentatively scheduled to visit Jakarta’s Masjid Istiqlal, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. Mercifully, the American elections are over. The timing lets Obama pursue U.S. […]

Nancy Pelosi, Superhero


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Really, what did you expect? The first woman speaker of the House, a tough, smart, rich and attractive pro, the most powerful woman in the world, helps get a Democrat elected president and then helps that Democratic president get his ambitious agenda through amid very difficult economic times and two wars. Did […]

The Tea Party And The Mid-Terms


BY JOE CONASON The urge to punish politicians is understandable no matter who is in power, because they inevitably disappoint the fond hopes of their admirers and raise the hackles of their detractors – and yet that same urge is almost never satisfied for long. In the case of the midterm spanking administered to Democrats, […]

The Democrats Did Good


BY FROMA HARROP The Democrats did good. Not in the election — they did pretty miserably there. But they did good for the country. They led America back from the brink of economic disaster. The lead story in the Election Day Wall Street Journal was about the impending sale of General Motors stock to private […]

Who’s That Hiding Behind The Tea Party?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER The Tea Party spoke! Loudly, powerfully and proudly. But besides, “Throw the bums out,” what did it say? And now that the party part is over and the nasty business of governing begins, what does it all add up to? What’s its governing agenda? How does it make anything positive out of […]