To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 4, 2024


Bleeding Heart Republicans


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Who says that Republican congress-critters don’t care about minorities in our society? Why, at this very moment, they are pushing hard to pass a $372 billion federal program to lift the economic fortunes of just one minority group – a far more generous proposal than Barack Obama has even dared to contemplate. […]

The Un-Recession


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Good news. The folks in charge of such things announced this week that the recession is over. Actually, it’s been over for some time. It officially ended in June 2009, according to the Business-Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research, which is responsible for making such determinations. As of […]

Why Corvettes Cost Less Than College


BY FROMA HARROP That was a pleasant stroll across the Ivy League campus of Brown University, in Providence, RI. I saw the gardening crews, the maintenance trucks, the pricey restoration work on Faunce Arch. I passed the skating rink, the president’s mansion and the new Department of Facilities Management building. As I surveyed the handsome […]

Beyond Party


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Schadenfreude means taking pleasure in the failure of others, which is the Hollywood vocation and, lately, that of Democrats, as well. When you’re part of the party in power and unemployment is hovering near 10%, there aren’t that many occasions for pleasure. So you can hardly begrudge us the mirth that comes […]

Will Big Tobacco’s Former Bag-Man Really Be Next Speaker?


BY JOE CONASON With their loud voices and antic style, the “tea party” activists may lead voters to expect something new and different if the Republican Party returns to power. But observing the man who would wield that power if his party wins a midterm majority should swiftly dispel that illusion. There is nothing fresh […]