To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Jihad Jane: Treason By Reason Of Insanity


BY FROMA HARROP Consider the case of “Jihad Jane.” Divorced twice [first marriage at 16], Colleen LaRose was arrested for drunkenness in Texas. She ended up living with a boyfriend in a Philadelphia suburb and taking care of his elderly father. Let’s say that LaRose was not one of life’s winners under conventional definitions. But […]

Stiffening The Backbones Of Democrats


BY JIM HIGHTOWER You know what we need to juice up the performance of our weak economy? Viagra. Yes, America needs a new Viagra, specifically targeted to stiffen backbones – in particular, the limp backbones of Barack Obama’s team, as well as the flaccid spines of Democratic congressional leaders. Where’s the drug industry when we […]

And The Winner Is …


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Like most Americans, I haven’t seen “The Hurt Locker,” but I was still rooting for Kathryn Bigelow to claim the Best Director statue. This is, after all, 2010 – a little late in the day for “first women,” particularly in an industry that depends on women as much as men to buy […]

The Volcker Rule: Beware Gremlins In Guccis


BY FROMA HARROP A big chunk of rock went missing from Mount Rushmore when Paul Volcker broke away in 2008 to stand stony-faced behind candidate Barack Obama. The former Federal Reserve chairman served as a reassuring presence from an older, more orderly financial era that had been sacrificed on the altar of deregulation. Volcker has […]

The Courage Of His Convictions


BY SUSAN ESTRICH When you ask people why it is that they hate or distrust politicians, the usual answers, understandably so, are all about what gutless wonders most politicians are – addicted to their polls, determined to stay there at all costs. Campaign promises are about getting elected; once there, they are quickly forgotten. Courage […]