To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Giving Thanks For America’s Good Food Movement


BY JIM HIGHTOWER What better day than Thanksgiving to celebrate our country’s food rebels! I’m talking about the growing movement of small farmers, food artisans, local retailers, co-ops, community organizers, restaurateurs, environmentalists, consumers and others – perhaps including you. This movement has spread the rich ideas of sustainability, organic, local control and the Common Good […]

It’s Show Trial Time!


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN You can’t please all of the people all of the time, but President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, have got nearer than most to pulling it off. A week ago, Holder announced that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators will soon go on trial in federal court in New […]

Insane Debate Over Wasted Medical Spending


BY FROMA HARROP Doctors would jab sharp instruments into King Henry VIII’s arm and drain blood out of his body. The best medical minds of the 16th Century prescribed bloodletting as a means to “rebalance the body’s humors,” the spring equinox being the ideal time. Henry didn’t argue with his physicians. After all, Tudor England […]

The Worthiness Of Banker Charity


BY JIM HIGHTOWER “Repent,” the preacher cried out, startling those who heard him. This was no street evangelist ranting at the passing crowd, but the archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England. His sharp admonition was pointed directly at a particular set of sinners, who undoubtedly had never given any thought to the […]

The Party Of Fiscal Babies


BY FROMA HARROP Nearly every Republican these days calls for tax cuts and lower deficits, and in the same sentence. Point out that these goals clash – that taxes pay for government and not paying for government causes deficits, and the Republican counters, “We must shrink government, instead.” Sure. And you’re just the boys to […]