To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Is Klobuchar The Heartland Moderate Democrats Need?

Beats me why heartland Democrats running for president haven't gained more traction. Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan quit the race despite his success in part...

Facebook’s Folly

Mark Zuckerberg is certainly a genius, but not when it comes to understanding the First Amendment, much less the politics of a city like...

How Repugnant Is Big Oil?

When you're undergoing a dental procedure, there's one thing you never want to hear you dentist say: "Oops!" It's also alarming to hear that from...

Killing Your Own Frankenstein Is Not Heroic

On Tuesday, the Tulsa World in its lead editorial congratulated President Donald Trump, the United States military and Delta Force for its successful mission...

Climate Realists Rally To Offset Deliberate Damage

BY GARY EDMONDSON With the U.S. government led by greed-ridden despoilers of the only Earth we have – who are determined to wreak as much...