To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Mueller Testimony Points To New Cold War As Farce

BY JEREMY KUZMAROV In The Eighteenth Brumière of Louis Napoleon , the great philosopher Karl Marx famously stated the history repeated itself, first as tragedy,...

Build A Wall To Keep Them In


BY FROMA HARROP Last winter, I found myself in a hospital intensive care unit for three days. I was hooked onto all kinds of boxes, bags and bleeping machines. Stuck in the bed, I watched a lot of bad TV. The people who came into my room became my only contact with the human world. […]

Defeat Then Indict

BY GARY EDMONDSON Candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russian operatives during the campaign – even encouraging them to dig up dirt on his opponent after the...

Democrats, Send The Wonks Home


BY FROMA HARROP Wonks can be useful people. Having studied the deep innards of public policy, wonks are essential to constructing programs that can function as desired. They help write complicated laws. But whereas wonks may know all the parts that make a clock work, they are usually not good at selling the clock. You […]

Justice Stevens

BY SUSAN ESTRICH I was blessed. On my first day as his law clerk on the DC Circuit, Judge J. Skelly Wright, who had hired me...