To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, September 30, 2024


Nancy Pelosi Is Right, Of Course

BY SUSAN ESTRICH The way for Democrats to win in 2020 is to follow the advice of the shrewdest Democrat in politics today: – Don't be...

Let’s Talk Taxes

BY SHARON MARTIN Nobody likes to pay taxes. Nobody likes to pay mortgage payments or rent, either, but we want the security of roof and walls. Taxes...

Climate Eucatastrophe

BY MARK Y.A. DAVIES In J. R. R. Tolkien’s works, the eucatastrophic moment only comes when good and compassionate persons realize that they must be...

Trump’s Economy Is Strong. Obama’s Was Better.

BY FROMA HARROP "We're doing trade deals that are going to get you so much business you're not even going to believe it," President Trump...

Legislature’s Power To Keep Secrets Keeps Oklahomans In The Dark

BY JOHN WOOD Atop the Oklahoma Capitol dome stands the Guardian, a 17-foot, 6,000-pound bronze statue of an American Indian warrior with shield and lance...