To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, June 17, 2024


Lest We Forget

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Oklahoma State Fire Marshal John Connolly was a man ahead of his time. He served in the early years of Oklahoma’s statehood...

The Real Grinch Who Stole Christmas From Low-Income, Working Class Seniors

BY FANNIE BATES I think the Trump Administration is going all out to squeeze money out of the poor to pay for his tax cuts. As...

With Mueller, Patience Is Patriotic

BY JOE CONASON Everyone clamoring for Robert Mueller to finish his investigation of the Trump campaign's connections with the Kremlin should do us all a...

Tackling The Challenges Of Our Global World

BY JOHN THOMPSON Here are a retired teacher’s suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions for educators, school patrons, and students, as well as anyone else seeking...

Mourning President Bush

BY SUSAN ESTRICH I spent more than a year working to beat him. I thought his campaign manager was about the most unethical person I'd...