To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Rudderless Ship Of State Drifts Aimlessly

BY RICHARD MORRISSETTE The ineptitude of Oklahoma’s “leaders” is breathtaking. The Republican-dominated Legislature manages the state government with a meat axe; they excel at cutting –...

State Government Failing To Help Needy

BY JOE DORMAN If you have driven the H.E. Bailey Turnpike south from Oklahoma City, you have most likely seen a billboard that reads “Government...

Nine Presidents

BY LEE H. HAMILTON One reason I consider myself fortunate to have led a life in politics is that, over time, I’ve had a chance...

A Proverb Oklahoma Lawmakers Should Heed

BY DAVID PERRYMAN In case you haven’t heard, the state’s budget is in a lurch. In what may be the most predictable decision of the...

Freshman Legislator’s Criticism Misdirected

BY MIKE W. RAY Sunday’s Oklahoman newspaper informed us that first-term state Rep. Tom Gann, a Republican from Inola, is “concerned about local control after...