To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, May 13, 2024


Why We Have Lower Services, Higher Fees

BY JOE DORMAN State agency officials were warned last week to prepare for additional budget cuts for the 2016-17 fiscal year. The Legislature and our governor...

Planned Parenthood Politics


BY SUSAN ESTRICH It wasn’t just the Republican candidates who, with one exception, went out of their ways to outdo one another in their condemnation of an organization that is the sole provider of basic gynecological, obstetric and preventative care services to millions of American men and women. That’s five million people worldwide, and 2.7 […]

When Liars Debate, The Truth Always Loses


BY JOE CONASON Watching the second Republican presidential debate on CNN and its aftermath, millions of Americans learned again what we already know about these candidates: These people embellish, prettify and fabricate their own biographies without hesitation, from Donald Trump’s much-parodied boasting about his business acumen to Carly Fiorina’s super-selective accounting of her tenure at […]

Walker Cuts Higher-Ed Budget, Funds Corporate Welfare


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Meet Scott Walker, corporate whore and lousy gambler [with taxpayer money, of course]. The Wisconsin governor says he should be America’s next president because he’s a proven budget whacker who, by golly, has dressed down teachers, slashed funding for higher education, busted unions and gone after welfare recipients. He’s the Koch brothers’ […]

The Doctor Is In


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Given that it is September, when summer love fades and fall sets in, you might expect to see someone drawing even with Donald Trump. But you wouldn’t expect that person to be one of the other least-likely-to-succeed candidates in the race: retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. Between a retired doctor and a debt-ridden […]