To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Radio Free Oklahoma

BY DAVID PERRYMAN One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job is the opportunity to meet and speak with high school students at the...

On Tulsa’s New Superintendent

BY JOHN THOMPSON I live 90 miles from Tulsa. While I take a keen interest in Oklahoma school reform issues, I do not want to...

Dream Ticket?

BY KENNY BELFORD The opening part of this op-ed is going to sound extremely partisan, but to get into the main theme requires expressing this...


BY JOE DORMAN The Legislature convened for the 2015 session on Monday with the State of the State address delivered by Gov. Mary Fallin. It would...

Walks Like A Duck

Editor's Note: The 55th Oklahoma Legislature is scheduled to be gaveled to order today at noon. Gov. Mary Fallin's annual State of the State address...