To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, April 26, 2024


The C.O.S.T of E.S.G.

  In this era of acronyms in Oklahoma politics— DEI, CRT, and now, ESG— the cost of our Republican supermajority's hyperpartisan culture wars comes with...

‘America Has Never Seen Anything Like It’

Is a direct quote from former President Donald Trump in his post-arraignment remarks after returning from Florida to New Jersey. And he said it...

Freedom From Religion

It’s late spring in Oklahoma and lawsuits once again are in full bloom – this time thanks to a Legislature, governor and Statewide Virtual...

Lock Him Up?

Based on the reckless, feckless, indefensible behavior of the former president of this United States, the answer initially is of course. Thirty-seven charges contained in...

PGA Greed Follows U.S. Policy

Advocates of considering human rights as we form international relations are scoffed at for their naiveté. Alleged realists promote a “realpolitik” that claims to...