To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Royal Flush: Hidden Document Tricks From The Shredder-In-Chief

BY JEFF ROBBINS Until last week the most uproarious explanation ever offered for the disappearance of evidence in the possession of an American president involved...

The New, True Republicans

BY GARY EDMONDSON District 43 State Sen. Paul Scott of Duncan has spent the past few months becoming the embodiment of the new Republican Party...

Forgetting How To Compromise

BY VERN TURNER The late historian Shelby Foote made two significant points during his opening comments in Ken Burns’ The Civil War. He stated that...

Where Good Ideas Go To Die

BY JOE DORMAN Over the weekend, one of the volunteers from my campaign had something terrible happen to his family. I received a message through social...

Unruly Mobs Chill Democracy

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Orchestrated unruly mobs of misinformed, angry, rightwing Republicans are successfully frustrating efforts of members of Congress to hold informative town hall...