To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sullivan’s Tin-Foil-Hat World

BY KENNY BELFORD Last Friday in Tulsa, U.S. Rep. John Sullivan said that the nation’s big problems can’t be solved without bipartisanship. He's correct. It's...

Idiot Alert

BY KAREN WEBB I am really getting tired of people claiming that majority rule is equal to a democracy because nothing could be further from...

Unruly Mobs Chill Democracy

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Orchestrated unruly mobs of misinformed, angry, rightwing Republicans are successfully frustrating efforts of members of Congress to hold informative town hall...

Choosing People Over Corporations

BY KAREN WEBB I just called Oklahoma Rep. Dan Boren’s office. He isn't my rep, but he is a Blue Dog Democrat and I just...

Constitution First, Last, Always

BY DANNY M. ADKISON They were for her before they sort of weren't for her. Now they will tolerate her. Our next Supreme Court justice will...