To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Gut Check

BY KAREN WEBB Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn wanted to know Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s gut feeling on gun control. Her answer was nicer than...

Kern Keeps Going … And Going … And Going …

BY JAMES NIMMO Terrorist-sniffing GOPer Rep. Sally Kern, high from hyper-ventilating her own hot air, is accusing the Oklahoma affiliate of the ACLU of intimidation....

Trickling Out More Voodoo

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Spokespersons for the Republican Party, aided by their media pundits, have made great efforts to make Americans think that the Obama...

What’s Good For The Goose …

BY JAMES NIMMO Sen. James Inhofe's OKC staff is AFRAID of opposite-party constituent crowds and allergic to grass – grassroot ideas, that is. So it would...

Help, Mr. President

BY SHARON MARTIN I took my own advice and am writing letters. I'm sending the following to President Obama. Dear President Obama: I am so happy...