To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Fair Market Value And The Cost Of An Educated Child

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Fair Market Value is defined as an estimate of the market value of an item based upon what an informed, willing and...

Thoroughly Modern Mistake

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Set in 1922, Thoroughly Modern Millie features Julie Andrews as Millie Dilmount who hails from Salina, KS, and heads to New York...

Dismantling Public Education

BY SHARON MARTIN If your idea of good governance is to take care of the top 10% of the citizens in your state, your first...

Amendments With A Purpose

BY VERN TURNER This election cycle is producing a lot of chatter about amending the U.S. Constitution, that venerable document that has endured over 200...

Rural Oklahoma’s Blue Light Special

BY DAVID PERRYMAN In the 1960s corporate chain stores displaced Main Street merchants and altered the way that Americans shopped. They promised lower prices, but...