To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Competing Visions

A caucus-goer in Alaska didn’t understand why someone would question his choice for president.“Trump, of course. He did so much for America in his...

Where There Was A Will

If Oklahoma City airport officials have their way, Oklahoma’s favorite son will soon be jettisoned into the sunset.Yes, airport bureaucrats trying to justify their...

Haves Remain Indifferent To Have-Nots

For Oklahoma, it’s a split screen moment in the never-ending public policy battles between the haves and the have-nots.Last Monday, the state Supreme Court...

Drummond Doctrine: Honesty, Forthrightness

I almost never say anything good about those in charge of public policy in reactionary, redneck, reckless Oklahoma, but … Republican Attorney General Gentner...

Walters Echoes Bigoted Remarks

The Department of Education recently announced it will investigate claims that Owasso schools failed to protect students from bullying based upon their sexual orientations....