To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Get Him Out: 5 Reasons To Impeach Ryan Walters

News outlets have reported that some 350 organizations are calling for the impeachment of state Superintendent Ryan Walters. In their letter submitted to state...

Stop Laughing At Donald Trump

It is time to stop laughing at Donald Trump.Sure, the constant reminder of his mental decline offers momentary delight as righteous payback to his...

GOP Senator Didn’t Drink The Kool-Aid, Proposes New State Agency

Egads! Apparently, new state Sen. Kristin Thompson, R-Edmond, somehow missed the meeting where all Oklahoma Republicans swore on their well-worn Bibles to support and...

Congress’ Complicity

The murder of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny is confirmed. Just one more reason to expedite aid to patriots in Ukraine as they battle for...

Feeling The Heat

Two of state government’s highest profile seats got significantly warmer in the last week.One is occupied by state Superintendent Ryan Walters, the other by...