To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Romney Flip-Flops His Way To The Top


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN Mitt Romney will be the Republican to face President Obama in the fall. Tuesday night was the clincher, as the former Massachusetts governor won in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington, DC. He may stumble on, but the Catholic zealot Rick Santorum is finished, wiped out by Romney’s vast financial resources. Eight years ago, […]

The Car The Right-Wing Can’t Kill


BY FROMA HARROP Imagine that. Former Republican President George H.W. Bush recently bought his son Neil a Chevrolet Volt as a birthday present. This is the car that all right-thinking right-wingers demand we hate. In their political prism, the Volt has everything going against it: It’s beloved by environmentalists for getting 61 miles to the […]

The High Court’s Supremely Unethical Activists


BY JOE CONASON How the Supreme Court majority will rule on President Obama’s Affordable Care Act may well have been foretold months or perhaps years ago – not so much by their questions during argument this week, as by their flagrant displays of bias outside the court, where certain justices regularly behave as dubiously as […]

What Happened To Trayvon Martin?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH What happened to Trayvon Martin? The short answer: I don’t know. I know that he was shot by George Zimmerman while wearing a hoodie and carrying a box of Skittles. No weapons of mass destruction. An awful tragedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to his parents and family. A thorough and […]

The ROBS Act


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Hallelujah, Washington has finally heard the people’s cries for jobs! In an urgent bipartisan push, Democrats and Republicans have joined hands across the aisle to pass the JOBS Act. In this time of “The Great Hurt” – with widespread unemployment, middle-class incomes tumbling and the price of gasoline skyrocketing – we can […]