To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, July 5, 2024


Will Democrats Be Democrats Or Fraidy-Cats?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER “Trust me!” bellowed the billionaire Donald Trump to working-class voters in 2016, promising he’d be the champion of what he called “the forgotten Americans.” Trust him? He’s a lifetime real estate huckster infamous for ripping off workers and opposing union labor. You’d have better odds trusting a coyote to guard your last […]

Corruption Is The Problem

BY SHARON MARTIN The voices of the people can’t be heard over the thunderclaps of corruption and propaganda. When money buys legislation, that’s corruption. When money buys...

No Laughing Matter

BY KAREN WEBB If this weren't so tragic, if would be funny. Watching Gov. Bobby Jindal stand there and say this about the shooting at...

Building Things To Come

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Last year the National Film Preservation Board added 25 films to the National Film Registry. To be selected a film must be...

Back To The Dark Ages

BY WANDA JO STAPLETON I watched with interest the recent presidential debates in New Hampshire as candidates pandered to extreme right-wingers. First, Mitt Romney dodged questions...