To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Brokelahoma: How Wrongheaded Thinking Got Us In This Mess

BY JAMES LOCKHART The Oklahoma economy, which is tied to the global economy, doesn't work the way it did 100 years ago, and many of...

Indefinite School Suspensions Are Counterproductive And Wrong

BY JOE DORMAN In the realm of public policy, well-intentioned reforms can often have unintended consequences that lead to very negative outcomes. This will surely...

A Flailing, Failing Presidency

BY VERN TURNER Events keep outrunning the media's – or my – attempts to keep up with the soap opera-cum-governmental-disaster that is the Trump presidency. Even...

Prairie Tales

BY DAVID PERRYMAN In a long list of childhood tales, like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and Snow White, and hundreds more, the endings are...

OK House: Hypocrisy In Wonderland

BY MIKE W. RAY The Oklahoma House of Representatives is demonstrating yet again that it is a hyper-partisan institution. Exhibit 1 was the House Rules Committee meeting...