To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, May 6, 2024


One Good School

BY SHARON MARTIN I love my school. Kids are greeted with smiles and by name. Teachers work together, all of us responsible for every student....

An American Churchill

Editor’s Note: Rhonda Noonan, author of The Fifth and Final Name: Memoir of an American Churchill, will be signing copies of her book Sunday,...

Fallin: Pounding The Table

BY JAMES NIMMO Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin's ignorant stand in trying to defy the Department of Defense's order to allow National Guard legally-married same-gender couples...

Why The Silence On Medicare For All?

BY RALPH NADER With the Tea Partiers relentless attacks on each of the troubles besetting ObamaCare since its complicated, computer glitch-ridden startup on Oct. 1,...

Comity Coburn

BY KAREN WEBB Remember when U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn was trying to help former Sen. John Ensign, his fellow member of the Bible study group...