To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Out Of The Mouths Of Idiots

BY SHARON MARTIN Watching the news or reading the newspaper usually has me quoting Shakespeare, you know, those lines from Macbeth, “full of sound and...

The Deregulation Scam

BY VERN TURNER Paul Buchheit recently wrote a scathing piece citing why the great lie about deregulation is destroying our economy. Below is my summary...

Our Centrist President

BY SHARON MARTIN There’s that cautionary tale of the man who wanted to remain neutral during the U.S. Civil War: he donned blue pants and...


BY BRIAN RENEGAR ‘Twas the night before sine die and all through my apartment, not a creature was stirring, not even my grandsons, Reece and...


BY FROMA HARROP The world looked upon the tornado-flattened landscape of Moore, OK, with awe. The destruction was shocking, as were the personal losses. Many...