To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, May 6, 2024


Workers Comp Reforms Would Hurt Employers

BY AL MCAFFREY Last week, I discussed how Senate Bill 1062, a workers compensation reform bill approved by the Senate, wouldn’t be beneficial for injured...

Recalibrating The GOP

BY SHARON MARTIN Since President Obama’s re-election, conservatives have been trying to figure out what went wrong. Some say it’s the messenger. Others say the...

The Echo Chamber

BY VERN TURNER We’ve all heard or said, “He just likes to listen to the sound of his own voice.” We’ve all known people who...

Insult To Injury

BY AL MCAFFREY So let’s say you’re in a horrific work-related accident and you lose your right arm. How much is that arm worth to...

Beware Those Crazy Gun Owners

BY DON NELSON It seems someone out there in the cyber world has decided that all gun owners fall under an umbrella definition that goes...