To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, September 20, 2024


‘We Have A Democracy To Save’

Channeling Anger – Part II BY SHARON MARTIN Perhaps nothing threatens our democracy as much as the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling. Five justices ignored precedent and...

Missing The Point

BY KAREN WEBB I cannot believe what I saw on Brian Williams . Women are visceral about Hilary Rosen saying Ann Romney has never had...

Sensationalist Media Miss The Mark

BY RALPH NADER March Madness comes once a year. Media Madness is year-round. What the mass media choose to cover and feature try to turn...

Channeling Anger, Part I

BY SHARON MARTIN If you have an ounce of political sense, you’ve probably been riled up lately. You can avoid the news, but that’s like...

Take A Hike

BY KAREN WEBB Reince Priebus is reverting to the old male standard of trying to convince women that the GOP’s “war on women” is just...