To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, May 3, 2024


Can Democrats Landslide Republicans?

BY RALPH NADER I often ask Congressional Democrats these days is: "If you agree that your Republican counterparts in Congress are the most craven, corporatist,...

Real Heroes

BY CLAUDIA SWISHER “Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes.” – Bertolt Brecht, German writer I want to talk about heroes … those people...

A Fly-Over No More?

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER Any devotee of the national pastime knows baseball is a game of numbers. So, it seems, is the Republican quest for...

Follow The Bills

BY RALPH NADER Looking at millions of individual bills that make up the $2.7 trillion of annual health care costs opens a gigantic window on...

What If Newt Sees His Shadow?

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER FROM: Richard L. Fricker TO: Punxsutawney Phil Gobblers Knob Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania Since you are the global expert on Ground Hog Day and shadows, I was...