To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, May 6, 2024


Elephant-Sized Hypocrisy

BY KENNY BELFORD You can’t make this stuff up. Well, I guess you could, but I’m not, and I’ll document it. Republicans are frequently called out...

Nothing To Fear But Fear

BY SHARON MARTIN I can be manipulated. Just show me a picture of a hungry child or abused animal. You can play on my heartstrings....

A Grateful Thanks – 50 Years Later

BY CAROLYN WATERMAN Today is Veterans' Day, a day that means much to me as I am the daughter of a World War II veteran,...

Visiting With A Korean War Vet

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD While undertaking the physically challenging task of pushing a shopping cart through the lengths, depths, and widths of the vast domain...

Finally, Dems Find Their Voice?

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER It seems the Democrats may have found a voice in calling for Sen. Tom Coburn to release his hold on S.1963,...