To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, May 3, 2024


Our Nation’s Shame

BY SHARON MARTIN An Open Letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Expendable. That’s the word that came to me when I read the headline, Mr....

Free Bobbi Parker

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Please allow this writer to be one of the many voices in Oklahoma, and others across the nation, to declare imperatively:...

Political ‘Girly Men’

BY KENNY BELFORD I never thought I'd actually say this, but I'm beginning to feel just a trace of sympathy for Republicans. Bad news seems to...

Lamb’s Hypocrisy

BY JAMES NIMMO I'm always amazed at the Oklahoma GOP's use of bold-faced lies and hypocrisy which they throw around like a herd of diarrhea-infected...

Palin-tology 101

BY KAREN WEBB Going Rogue? Finally a description of Sarah Palin I can agree with. Maverick was a bit too tame. Maverick seems to refer to...