To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, May 17, 2024


Not A Mind Reader

BY KAREN WEBB “Mr. Wilson, never apologize for allowing your love of truth to overrun your desire to be polite,” the Sons of Confederate Veterans...

No Denying Profit Motive

BY FRANK P. BELCASTRO Most people would agree that domestic violence is not a "pre-existing condition," and should never be a factor in deciding who...

Fiction That Would Frighten Stephen King

BY KAREN WEBB An open letter to U.S. Rep. Tom Cole, R-OK: I haven't read your entire response to the president's speech, just the teaser, which...

Sasquatch Hunters And UFO Spotters

BY KENNY BELFORD There is nothing "grand" remaining about the Grand Old Party. Once a viable national political force, they have now sunk to a...

Oklahoma’s Elected Tools

BY KAREN WEBB An open letter to the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation: First to the entire delegation, including our own little blue dog – too little, too...