To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Missing The Point

BY KAREN WEBB I cannot believe what I saw on Brian Williams . Women are visceral about Hilary Rosen saying Ann Romney has never had...

Odds And Ends … And Then More Ends [As In Asses]

Hard to keep up with the dumb-offs underway at The People's Building in OKC but here goes: Our bigoted boys in the Legislature can't...

Tea Party Energy Vs. Progressive Lassitude In Congress

BY RALPH NADER The difference between the sheer energy levels of the far Right and the progressive Left in Congress is stunning. There is no...

Time For Full-Time Jesters

BY RALPH NADER There’s an old saying “in humor there is truth.” Until the 18th Century, British monarchs, surrounded by sycophantic entourages, retained court Jesters...

Let Go Of The Money

BY KAREN WEBB An Open Letter to U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-OK: I was just watching your rather lengthy explanation of why you are holding appropriations...