To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, June 17, 2024


DC Delegates Morph Into Penny-Pinchers – Again

Record defense spending? You bet. Trump wants a wall for no good reason? Good enough reason for us. New military commands in Space and...

All In This Together

BY SHARON MARTIN Bishop Edward James Slattery told our congregation that abortion is the biggest problem facing America today. Rep. Sally Kern told her audience...

Stitt’s ‘Box Canyon With No Exits’

I'll bet our tone deaf dandy of a governor wishes he had just stayed in bed a couple of days ago instead of tooling...

The Effect Of Unintended Consequences

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Ray Bradbury’s headstone, prepared prior to his death, simply says “Ray Bradbury 1920-2012 Author of Fahrenheit 451,” a simple epitaph for a...

Trickling Out More Voodoo

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Spokespersons for the Republican Party, aided by their media pundits, have made great efforts to make Americans think that the Obama...