To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 28, 2024


‘America Has Never Seen Anything Like It’

Is a direct quote from former President Donald Trump in his post-arraignment remarks after returning from Florida to New Jersey. And he said it...

Freedom From Religion

It’s late spring in Oklahoma and lawsuits once again are in full bloom – this time thanks to a Legislature, governor and Statewide Virtual...

Lock Him Up?

Based on the reckless, feckless, indefensible behavior of the former president of this United States, the answer initially is of course. Thirty-seven charges contained in...

PGA Greed Follows U.S. Policy

Advocates of considering human rights as we form international relations are scoffed at for their naiveté. Alleged realists promote a “realpolitik” that claims to...

Sending Your Money To The Pope

That's what a vote by a non-elected-to-anything board earlier this week could do with some of your Oklahoma tax money because, as my friend...