To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Pulling The Trigger Words

BY SHARON MARTIN What words would convince you to vote for a candidate? In Oklahoma, it appears that just calling oneself Christian, conservative, or pro-life...

Investing In Peace

BY HAL SPAKE On April 13, without proof that the Assad regime launched a chemical weapon that killed 80 people, the U.S. fired 68 Cruise...

Remembering Penny Williams

BY KEN NEAL We called her "Bad Penny," and "Bright Penny," and she could be both at the same time. Penny Williams died April 16, leaving...

A Few Hard Questions For Comey

BY JOE CONASON For months, the White House has insistently whined that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is persecuting the president. Echoed by right-wing propaganda...

Super Heroes

BY DAVID PERRYMAN My grandchildren are really in to superheroes. The interest spills over to the books that they choose and the entertainment that they...