To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Channeling Anger, Part I

BY SHARON MARTIN If you have an ounce of political sense, you’ve probably been riled up lately. You can avoid the news, but that’s like...

Take A Hike

BY KAREN WEBB Reince Priebus is reverting to the old male standard of trying to convince women that the GOP’s “war on women” is just...

Selling Out Regulation

BY RALPH NADER The Republican Party has a sense of humor, however inadvertently. Its ardent advocates regularly accuse the Obama Administration of heavy-handed regulation of...

Bleeding Education Dry

BY SHARON MARTIN A well-funded education system is good for the state’s economy. The results aren’t immediate; it takes time to educate, but if one...

Mitt, You Ignorant Twit

BY KAREN WEBB There is only one thing to say about last week's exchange between Mitt Romney and Jay Leno: “What incredibly plu-perfectly cruel and...