To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Iran: The Neocons Are At It Again

BY RALPH NADER The same neocons who persuaded George W. Bush and crew to, in Ron Paul’s inimitable words, “lie their way into invading Iraq”...

Back To The Dark Ages

BY WANDA JO STAPLETON I watched with interest the recent presidential debates in New Hampshire as candidates pandered to extreme right-wingers. First, Mitt Romney dodged questions...

Time For Action

BY SHARON MARTIN This month, in a Rasmussen poll of 3,000 likely voters, less than one quarter of those polled said this country was...

A Prayer For America And Its People

BY NORM ROURKE Lord, our people are hurting. Our great country has been pushed to the brink by irresponsible leaders who show no compassion for...

‘Smacks Of Fascism’

BY BOB BEARDEN The presidential contenders want to shrink the federal government. But does that also pertain to the executive branch? In their zeal...